Sunday, April 02, 2006


ajax chat

currently our webchat is using activex control which brings some security concerns for most people and and compatibility concern for most gecko-based browser users. so, i did scout around looking for other possible solution. and of course, stumble upon the hip and the star of contemporary web application programming language - AJAX : Truly 2.0, as some people would put it.

Upon further thinkin i dont think ajax would be a very good solution for a webchat service. Just imagine this very simple situation. Nowadays chat, people want smilies, emoticons or whatever u wanna call it. That's the reason web based chat is preffered over the shitty irc chat. So imagine, theres 200 people chatting in the chatroom. and then, he chat out 1 smilies, which is of course will be a picture file. The server then, will have to send that 1 smilies to all 200 people in that chatroom. Now, imagine , all of those 200 people, chatting , using smilies here and there, the server will then have to send about 200 X 200 pictures files to all of the users, and of course, usually there's always one or two assholes who'll be flooding the chatroom with millions of smilies. And now, imagine all of this happens in a very short time span, sayyy, 1 minute. just imagine how much load that the server would have to take ? yes. you are right. a shitload.

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